Perfect Home Signature
Colonial Illusion
Perfect Home
color#: Illusion
*Availability varies by store. These products represent a small portion of what we have to offer in our store, please call or visit store for details.
Product Attributes
Collection | Signature |
Color | Illusion |
Construction | Mineral Core |
Shape | Plank |
Surface Type | EIR |
Edge | Accent Bevel |
Application | Residential |
Width | 7" |
Length | 48" |
Thickness | 9mm |
Core Thickness | 8mm |
Attached Pad | EVA |
Finish Coating | Armourbead |
Location | Above, On, and Below |
Backing | EVA Foam |
Installation Method | Floating |
Warranty | Residential Lifetime Residential / 20 Year Scratch / Commerical 20 Year |
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The team at CarpetsPlus Flooring Designs in Steamboat Springs and Routt County, CO is ready to help you achieve your flooring dreams. Whether you're interested in an installation, in-home measure, flooring estimate, or more, we can help!
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